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How To Keep Your Cool While Gaming Online

Gaming, whether it be on a PC or on a console video game system like an XboX360 or a PS3 is often a very enjoyable and competitive experience. You should check out idn poker asia to play poker games with your friends. As you play poker you need to learn the art of staying calm all the times as well, it is really important that you keep your cool as you card games. When you take this experience out of the living room with your buddies, and open the entire world up to it thanks to the wonders of the World Wide Web, you open a door to a whole new dimension of interactivity with people from all kinds of walks in life. I have played a lot of games online, and let me tell you, it can be very, very different. Sometimes, these online gaming experiences can be really awesome, and you may meet some really cool people who share your interest in gaming. In other situations, you will find that the comforting veil of anonymity provided by the Internet turns some people into some of the nastiest denizens of planet Earth ever. Keeping your cool when running across these neanderthals gone wild online is often the key to having a great time gaming online, and not having to let someone ruin that experience for you.

Picture this: You are online enjoying a good round of some computer game, and someone gets on there intent on making everyone else’s life miserable. For some reason, he singles you out and starts to spew the most obscene hate at you for the slightests perceived infraction against him by you. What do you do? For some, the first response is to explode back at this online jerk, and have at him through text, voice chat, or even in the game world itself. However, there is a better path, a more peaceful, and a sometimes more enjoyable way to go.

First off, you need to really look at why you are gaming, and if a game is really worth getting uber upset about at someone. You need to look into your priorities, and why you take time to be online, throwing down on some game or another. Not only that, but you need to realize that some people just get a kick out of making people angry, and causing a big commotion. Do you really need to respond to this type of person if it only encourages them? Probably not-most of the time these jerks, or ‘trolls’ as they are known in some online circles, will go away, and move onto someone else they can annoy if they are not getting a response out of you.

Secondly, understand that often, if a good administrator or mod is online on the server at the same time, they will kick and ban any player acting out of order if properly alerted. Leave it to them, and just ignore the player. Most games have a /ignore function or mute button that you can use to simply block out an offensive player. If you are bothered by the annoying ‘sprays’ that some players use online, use the option of either turning off sprays, or limiting the amount of sprays allowed through the options menu, as in games like Counter-Strike and other ones.

Finally, remember to have a good time. Don’t let some ‘troll’ waste your time and ruin a perfectly good time of gaming because he/she chose to be an idiot. Ignore them, report ’em to the admins, and move on with your game. It’s your time, after all-don’t let them jump in and intrude upon your gaming.