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Casinos – Arizona Style

After previously recording my observations at the numerous Colorado gambling casinos, my recent journey to Arizona provided the material to record similar perceptions of the numerous gambling venues in that state. Unlike the Colorado casinos to which I have made contributions, all of the Arizona casinos I’ve seen are proudly representing American Indian populations of one sort or another. By no means would I suggest that their character or quality are impacted by this reality. But the effect of those origins are clearly identifiable.

When you visit a casino in Colorado (with the exception of a few humble, family-owned establishments that recall days of mining and dance hall girls who are probably named Belle), you are often reminded of small-scale versions of Las Vegas entities. You have the points collected by players’ clubs, the promotional mails and emails and the glitz and glamor of a Nevada address. Population notwithstanding, if you focus and think creatively, you can imagine yourself in Sin City with the strolling cocktail waitresses and Hollywood personalities.

This is the scene of a lifetime that anyone would die for and Sin City is similar to Las Vegas when it comes to casinos where you get everything from buktiqq to blackjack.

Sights in Arizona are altogether different. What these casinos are missing with respect to neon lights, however, they compensate with local color. Every casino we saw had a name that was a challenge to pronounce. They were American Indian reservation spaces but the combination of Indian words with “casino” made it simple to identify where you were.

Many had long rows of buses parked in the lot and periodically the announcement would be made that the buses to various places were now loading and preparing to depart. Great secrecy prevailed with respect to the destinations of those buses. I never did determine if they were headed to the Indian reservations or the local senior centers. Either option would be logical. In case you forgot which bus was yours, all of the bus travelers had tags of various colors identifying their groups.

The population and their behavior were fascinating. Most of the casino inhabitants were seniors who gave the definite impression that they were on critical missions. They had their players’ cards conveniently attached to lanyards or key rings. In each case, he or she would select a specific machine, insert the card and choose the number of coins that were to be wagered. The look of urgent business was on each face. Winning didn’t change the expressions nor did losing. I wondered if the casino visit was similar to grocery shopping or a trip to the dentist – it was simply something that you did, something not to be questioned or compromised.

My favorite curiosity was the young women who were everywhere. Their presence was perhaps a function of Arizona unemployment or the perplexing possibility that this was their occupation. Once again, these ladies were resolute and as single-minded of purpose as if they were changing tires or cooking elaborate meals. Even more confusing was their consistent relationships with their slot machines.

Many of these women appeared to be having spiritual interactions with the screens of the slot machines. Over and over, without any particular trigger they would rub their hands across the screen, almost as if to conjure winning combinations. I didn’t observe it once. I saw it happen a hundred times. It would have been an imposition or discourteous to create further inquiry – does it work, what does it do, to whom are you appealing for intervention?

FYI, I did not try this methodology for myself. At some points in our casino visits, this type of ceremony would have been unnecessary. At other times, I am certain that nothing short of lightning-bolt flavors of intervention would have been of use to me. But it was always a curiosity to me and will remain a mystery, I suppose.

Other than this ceremony and the comparative humility of the casinos we visited, the casino environment is consistent no matter where you are. You have the major noise factor, the determined participants and the regulars who appear to incorporate casino life as a given.

Losing isn’t any easier than it is in one of our more flamboyant Colorado casinos, but at least here you have the consolation of contributing something to the American-Indian community. The gift shop assortment is more colorful and ethnic, the food is less expensive and the parking lots are not multi-level.

Population is decidedly different, however. Part of me wished that many of these people were sufficiently employed that their gambling was subordinated. But after all, it is not for me to worry about everyone. My middle-class, Midwestern family values of job, home, picket fence, 2.5 children and spotted dog in the yard are probably obsolete or irrelevant. Sadly, I wish that they weren’t.

Top 6 Card Games That You Can Enjoy Online

If you are a fan of card games then you should definitely try all these online games with your friends and family. This is why here we are with the best card games that you can enjoy online. Although if you are a fan of online poker games that you can try Judi slot that offers you a wide variety of casino games that you like.

  • Starting this list with Shadow Era, you get an amazing and relaxing card game that you can try. In this game, you get over 100 missions and a ton of cards that you can try. Another attractive feature in this game is how you can easily acquire new cards without paying for them.
  • Hex: Shards Of Fate is another really amazing and engaging game that you can try. However, due to its complex graphics, this game is only available on PC. As you get familiar with this game you can easily earn lucrative rewards as well.
  • Eternal on the other hand is a multiplayer card game that you can try. You also get plenty of PvE options making this game really fun for players that like card games. This game is also available on Xbox because of its huge demand and popularity.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a dream for every Yu-Gi-Oh! fan that is out there. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links offers you great graphics, storyline, tons of monsters, and much more making this game really fun and intense.

  • Besides Yu-Gi-Oh! there are tons of Pokemon fans out there. This is why Pokémon TCG Online is another really interesting game that you can try. You get to fight with other players using your pokemon. Moreover, there is no need for you to invest that much money in this game as well.
  • Lastly, we have Hearthstone that is one of the most intense and action-packed games that you will find online. The popularity of Hearthstone improved the perspective of game makers as they started investing in card games.

These are the top 6 CCG that you can try online.

World Of Warcraft Jewelcrafting Guide

Jewelcrafting is a trade skill in World of Warcraft that is used to make many things such as rings, necklaces, gems for socketed items, and some trinkets. Jewelcrafting goes hand in hand with mining, smelting the ore into bars to make settings, or using the ore to prospect for useful gems. When choosing jewelcrafting as your profession there is only a few places to train it. The Exodar, Silvermooon city, and in Shattrath on the Aldor rise.

When leveling jewelcrafting a few things are going to be remembered never get rid of your settings until you are positive your done using them. The first thing made is a setting and following a setting your next thing is going to be a ring made by the setting. Assuming your mining your going to have plenty of materials up until the really high levels.

First thing.we are making Delicate Copper Wires. Make 20 of these. This should take you up to level 20. Get out the rough stones and make about 10 Rough stone statues. Then we are going to get out the delicate copper wires and some tigerseye and make 20 tigerseye bands. This should finish the copper only part of the leveling, there is still bronze so more copper is needed.

Copper is needed to make the process of jewelcrafting a lot easier as copper wires have some important alloys in them which will increase the speed in making rough stone statues and it will make the level much more enjoyable than any other Pkv Games Online level.

By now your jewelcrafting should be 50 and bronze should be on the menu. Make enough bronze settings to get your skill to 75. You’re going to need 30 bronze settings so make 30 at least or more if your skill isn’t 75 yet. Make some solid bronze rings to get to 80. Put the settings aside they will be needed soon but not now.

Next we are going to have to have some silver bars for some rings. If silver is hard to come by for this part take some extra bronze and make a few more solid bronze rings, but get to 90 on Elegant silver rings and Solid bronze rings. If silver is abundant make Ring of silver might all the way to 110. If silver is a problem an alternative to get to 110 would be Bronze torc. On the way to 110 make sure if the alternate route of bronze the settings might get eaten up and more might be needed.

Pendant of the agate shield is the next make with bronze settings and moss agate. This will be made all the way to 150. If the moss agate is hard to come by make Gold dragon rings or Wicked moonstone rings also. Just be sure that 150 is the next point that you get to because this is going to be stepping into mithril.

40 Mithril filigree is going to be made for the next part. Try to get at least 180 with 40 Mithril filigrees. Materials for Jewelcrafting are definitely not always user friendly so making a variety of things is sometimes good. Up to 200 start out making Jade pendant of blasting, The jade eye, or Engraved truesilver rings.

This is when it starts to get a little pricey. Availability of materials is always an issue, but the best bet for now is to make Citrine ring of rapid healing, until 210 then make aquamarine signets until 225. If you want the Jade owl trinket or the Golden hare or both make these before 225 it will make it a little easier.

Getting into thorium at 225 we are going to be making around 50 thorium settings, Dense stone statues can be made but not necessary. Make statues first if you want the statues. Otherwise the 50 thorium settings should be enough to get to 250. Even being green at 245. If you did not get 250 go back to the aquamarine signet until 250. After making the settings, your going to want to try to make Red ring of destruction. Make these until yellow which should be 255. Same materials for Ruby pendant of fire which is next until 260. Then we are making Truesilver healing ring up to 265. The Aquamarine ward up to 270, then we have the harder parts. Simple opal ring to 275 even 280 if possible(this is where materials gets a little messy.). Sapphire signet up to 285. Diamond focus ring to 290. And to get to 300 Emerald lion ring.

Now for the easy part again for a while. Many of these patterns are bought off vendors. The materials are easily found in mines or prospect out of the ores in outlands some are even in chests. from 300-305 make Teardrop blood garnet, Inscribed flame spessarite, Radiant deep peridot, Glowing shadow draenite, Brilliant golden draenite, or Solid azure moonstone. More than 5 will probably have to be made so just make some that fit your class the best and

For 310 the same idea, Bold blood garnet, Luminous flame spessarite, Jagged deep peridot, Royal shadow draenite, Gleaming golden draenite, Sparkling azure moonstone, Bright blood garnet. Will need more than 5 makes yet again.

Fel iron blood ring or Golden draenite ring up to 320. You can make the following gems also Runed blood garnet Glinting flame spessarite, Enduring deep peridot, Shifting shadow draenite, Thick golden draenite, Stormy azure moonstone.

Up to 325 Delicate blood garnet, Potent flame spessarite, Dazzling deep peridot, Sovereign shadow draenite, Rigid golden draenite, Lustrous azure moonstone, Smooth golden draenite.

Mercurial adamantite will take you all the way to 345 before turning green. And you will use it for a while after making it. For money making i suggest Making the black pearl up to 350 maybe 355. Other options are Heavy adamantite ring and Thick adamantite necklace.

After 350 there is no easy way about it. Look for the few cheapest recipes for Superior quality gems on the auction house or you’re going to be waiting for world drops. Once you get to 365 you can make metagems. Meta gems are for helm slots only and there are a few fairly easy to get. Consortium reputation will get a few of the popular ones. Metagems are probably the best way to finish off and get 375.

Age of Mythology: Norse Culture

Age of Mythology is a real-time strategy game brought to you by the creators of Age of Empires. It is set in ancient times with a twist- the gods you worship will actually step in and grant you mythical creatures, supernatural advancements, and miracles. If you are already familiar with the game and you are looking for ways to improve you gameplay along with trying out other engaging games then you can try BandarQ Online, where you will find some of the best games and gaming tips that you can follow. 

There are three civilizations you can select from when playing: Greek, Egyptian, and Norse. Each civilization is different in the way it advances, which gods it can worship and how it gains recourses. This article will explain the basics of Norse culture.

Norse culture is the most unique in the Age of Mythology. They have two types of recourse gathering users- villagers and dwarves. Dwarves are more efficient at mining gold than gathering other recourses but cost gold to produce. The Norse drop points are also unique because they are mobile: ox carts can move around the map so you no longer need to abandon a drop point once it is too far away from recourses. The Norse earn favor from their gods by participating in the battle, so unlike other cultures, they do not need to devote villagers or recourses to gathering favor, but they must play aggressively to earn any favor at all. It is the foot soldiers of the Norse that build new buildings, unlike villagers in other cultures. Only human soldiers who are on foot can build and repair buildings, cavalry and myth units do not. Norse also has a potentially unlimited number of heroes, the Hersir, which is trained at the temple.

Norse Culture gives you the options of three primary gods to worship: Odin, Thor, and Loki. Each Primary God will grant your civilization special abilities and access to different secondary Gods which you choose when you upgrade to the next age. Odin grants you two ravens which respawn if killed to scout the map for you once you reach the classical age, and the ‘Great Hunt’ God Power which will multiply some animals for you to hunt or farm. Thor provides you with a special armory and dwarves which are cheaper and more efficient at collecting more wood and food compared to dwarves of other cultures. Thor also provides you with a gold mine god power which you can place anywhere on the map to suit you, but it will contain less gold in earlier ages so is often best saved for later in the game. Loki makes your ox carts cheaper to produce, but physically weaker, and is the only god which allows you to worship Hell and gain access to the Dragon. Loki grants you the Spy God Power, which allows you to see what one enemy unit sees until it is killed.

Top Five Casinos And Resorts To Visit In Atlantic City, New Jersey

So this is the first time you have step foot in Atlantic City and you want to know which casinos to visit and play in. On your first trip to Atlantic City there is so much to do and so much to see it is hard to decide where to spend your time. Additionally, you can find all about these restaurants on daytoto.com and decide for yourself what suits you the best. I will try to help make this decision easier by giving you some insight into what in my opinion are the top five casinos to visit in Atlantic City these reviews are based on my personal experiences.

1. Borgota

This is the newest casino in Atlantic City and by far much superior to the other casinos that are there. If I only had enough time to visit one casino this would be the place I would go. It is not only a great place for gambling but also has some very nice dining places. Some of the great places to eat are Wolfgang Puck American Grille, SeaBlue, and Bobby Flay Steak these places can be quite pricey though. Less expensive places for a meal include Bread and Butter, Roma and the Borgata Buffet which also serves very good food. If you do not feel like gambling all night the casino also has two great nightclubs mur.mur and another night clubs called MIXX. The rewards programs they have at playing at their casino are quite good and you do not need to spend a lot of money to earn rewards. Sometimes they even give you a room upgrade when you get a free room that happened to me. They also have the largest if the nicest looking poker room in Atlantic City with the newest playing chips. The downside of this casino is that the minimum for the table games are a little higher on certain days and time. This casino has an older crowd usually mid 20’s and up; also they have the best waitresses in all of Atlantic City and when you go there you will see why.

2. Harrah’s

Harrah’s I think is the second-best place to go if you are visiting Atlantic City for the first time. This is especially true if you are not a gambling person and just want to go there to the party because they have one of the if not the best clubs called The Pool which throws a party every night in a vacation getaway like atmosphere with an indoor pool. The Pool is also opened during the day for swimming and sunbathing and is also just the right temperature. They have many good places to dine and a buffet which are less pricey than some of the other dining places in other casinos I have been to. The rewards program is pretty good and the best part is you can use their points at any casino owned by Harrah’s gaming; I have friends who got free rooms in Las Vegas for 3 or 4 nights. There are also a lot of stores in this casino for shopping even though I personally have never bought anything from any of those stores.

3. Tropicana

This is my third choice of casinos and resorts I would go to if I were in Atlantic City or had little kids with me and when I say little I mean anyone under age 21. This resort and casino is more family-oriented and are next to the boardwalk which is really nice during the summer with a nice beach and a lot of activities to do besides gambling and drinking. You see a lot of people at this resort with family. In addition inside the casino is also an IMAX theater which shows a lot of really great movies which is another reason why you see a lot of people with family’s coming here. They also have a family-style Italian restaurant called Carmines which I believe is a chain place, and a Cuban food restaurant and bar called Cuban Libre there are also a bunch of other places but those are the only two places I ate at. The nightlife although I did not think that their clubs were as lavish or great looking they were still fun the Cuban Libre restaurant becomes a night club that plays Latin music which I did not find at any other casino and resort, they also they have the nightclub 32 Degrees, and a sports bar called A Dam Good Sports Bar if you just want to have a drink and check out the scores for some games. The only downside is that the rewards program for this casino is not that great I have not received a single comp from this casino, but in their defense, I usually only play poker here so there are not as big comp points for that as slots and table games.

4. Caesars

This is your typical casino it is a nice place to gamble there are not a lot of other activities to do here. They have a lot of the amenities that the other newer and bigger casinos have but nothing that really stands out. This is on the list because it is bigger and better than most of the other casinos besides the casinos mentioned earlier on. This would be a casino I would stop by if I had some extra time or wanted a change of scenario or place to gamble at one from the earlier mentioned casinos. This place has a lot of older crowd mostly in their 30’s and up.

5. Bally’s

This place has a similar vibe to Caesars it is not all that amazing but just a place to gamble although the reason I added it is because of the Wild Wild West casino which has lower minimum table games than a lot of the other casinos and a good place to play at if you have a small budget.

One Local’s Guide To Make a Visit To Las Vegas

Greetings! While many of you who are planning a trip to Las Vegas already have some clue of where you want to visit, there are many favorite places known to most of the locals of Las Vegas that visitors might not be aware of! Since I was born and raised in Las Vegas, it’s safe to assume that I know a few interesting places that most tourists aren’t made privy to that often. A few of the following items are my personal favorite parts of Las Vegas.


The Main Street Station Buffet:

This buffet is both affordable and has variety! From its samplings of Hawaiian-prepared meat to Southern-style cooking, this old casino’s buffet impressed me with the food offering I got for the money.

MGM Grand-Benihana’s :

While Benihana’s is a pretty well-known restaurant chain, it’s still good! The Las Vegas Benihana’s features a 2-story restaurant with its traditional large table-style grills. For anyone who has not been to Benihana’s before, it is a Japanese restaurant specializing in teppanyaki (that is, to use an iron griddle for cooking) with a fair sushi menu. Generally smaller parties are placed at a table with other groups to maximize the show – you get to watch the chef grill your order right before you! Some even juggle their cooking utensils (and the food!) on occasion.

Non-gambling entertainment: kid friendly!

Have some kids with you? Need a place for them to play while you try your luck at the slots? Perhaps you’re tired of gambling and want to do something else for a bit? Despite what most people think, Las Vegas has no shortage very kid-friendly entertainment. In some states, gambling can be considered as illegal so non-gambling games are made available. Pkv is the software that will support the gambling as well as non-gambling games.


Many themed hotels such as the Luxor (Egyptian theme) and Excalibur (medieval theme) have pretty large arcades. Some hotels even have carnival games and rollercoasters that run THROUGH the hotel!

In addition to arcades, there is even a theme park hidden right on the strip! While flying over, you might have seen a pink glass dome. Better known as the Circus Circus’ AdventureDome, it is a small enclosed theme park featuring a rollercoaster, along with a few other rides. The AdventureDome is a pleasant place to spend the afternoon, and even has its own Laser Tag area.


Many hotels feature their own themed indoor shopping malls. While there are quite a few, some are a bit better known than others.

Caesar’s Palace Forum Shops:

This Roman themed hotel’s shopping mall is one of my favorites. Featuring a digital ride, good restaurants, and unique stores, this is easily a place you can spend a few hours in. In addition to the shopping and food, there is also an indoor show featuring an “Atlantis” storyline that runs many times a day for you to watch.

Local Malls:

The better known local malls are generally referred to as the Boulevard Mall, The Meadows, and the Galleria Mall. If you are just looking for some shopping, there’s no real shortage of that either in Las Vegas. If you are looking for a mall close to your hotel, it’s likely that one of these is a short drive away.

Other interest-


Yes! Las Vegas has its own Chinatown! While I was surprised to discover that few tourists were aware of this, it definitely is the place to visit for unique dining and culture-themed shopping. While it is not the typical Vegas fare, Chinatown has a special interest of its own.

Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef:

A somewhat new addition to the Vegas strip, Mandalay Bay’s Shark Reef features tanks filled with sharks, barracuda, and other “interesting” fish! There is even a clear tunnel that goes through some of the tanks, allowing visitors a close look at the variety of fish and sharks on display.

Hopefully some of these things will pique your interest! While there is a LOT more to Vegas than what I’ve mentioned, hopefully you too will enjoy some of my favorite aspects of the city of Las Vegas.