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How Do Casinos Ultimately Make Money?

A lot of us have a habit of going to the casino every weekend with friends. But have you ever stopped to consider how casinos earn money? I mean, think about it. These are businesses that give out money to people in the form of prizes. So, how on earth do they make a living out of this? Sure, people have to pay to be able to play but the price for playing at a casino is nothing compared to the dollars that you get when you win a game. In this article, we are going to talk about a pretty important concept in how casinos make money. The topic we will be talking about is the handle. 

Casinos Make Money Through The Handle

If you are not someone who likes to go to the casino often, you might think that we are referring to the technical handle that you have to push and pull in order to play the game but it is actually a bit more complex than that. 

The handle in the sense of casinos pertains to the number of bets players put in a game. You only win once but most of the time, if you want to win, you would have to put bets multiple times before hitting the jackpot. Just try to count the number of people waiting to win in a casino. Because of this system, the casino earns a lot of money before anyone even gets to win the jackpot. 

If you haven’t heard about how casinos really make money, you would think that these establishments are a scam. After all, how could a business that doesn’t earn money actually operate legitimately? But now you know. So, what are you waiting for? It is time to head on to situs poker online. It is one of the most productive things you can do this quarantine!

10 Things You Never Knew About Poker History

How would you like to spout some fun facts at your next poker night? Dazzle your playing companions with your stunning knowledge of the game and maybe even distract them a bit! Here are ten trivia facts about poker provided by Pkv Games:

The four kings on the deck of cards are supposed to represent David (king of Israel) on the king of Spades, Alexander the Great is the king of Clubs, Charlemagne of France is the king of Hearts, and the king of Diamonds represents Caesar Augustus.

40-50 million Americans are regular poker players. That means one in five of every U.S. citizens plays poker more than just occasionally!

Richard Nixon’s first congressional campaign was funded by his poker funds, $6,000 that he won in his first couple of months serving in the Navy, during World War II.

Way back in 1942, Columbus landed on American soil and his men made playing cards out of leaves. They marked them with the various suits and started playing cards!

The phrase “pass the buck” originated with poker. A marker called the “buck” was placed in front of the player who was to deal the next round. The buck was passed to the next person each round, hence the now-famous phrase!

Groucho Marx received his nickname for carrying his poker chips in a “grouch” bag, which was a bag that hung around the user’s neck and served to carry his belongings.

The sandwich was invented due to poker. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montague, was playing poker when he got hungry and asked his housekeeper to bring him a piece of meat between two pieces of bread so he wouldn’t have to stop playing in order to eat.

The suits in a deck of cards represent levels of society. The system was developed by the French and goes as follows: Spades are nobility, Diamonds are merchants, Clubs are peasants, and Hearts are clergy. Some people believe they also represent the four seasons: Spades are winter, Clubs are spring, Hearts are summer, and Diamonds are fall.

As far as we know, playing cards were invented in 1120 AD by the Chinese and later spread all over the world.

The dead man’s hand got its name when Wild Bill Hickock was shot from behind during a poker game. His hand contained two pairs, a pair of aces and a pair of eights.

Now you are ready to stun your friends with your amazing knowledge of poker trivia! Have fun.

How to Win at Slots Every Time & Pick a Winning Slot Machine

When you’re searching for a perfect winning slot machine, you can see that there are a  lot out there who give tips and suggestions. However, some of them may be right, but most of them are complete rubbish. But here, by careful reading and understanding the one’s written before, I separated and listed some of the very important ones that you must consider and do to have a high chance of winning a slot machine.

Bet wisely

As the common people say, “bet more, to win more”, but no. One thing you should greatly avoid is the temptation to bet it all in one go just like when you’re playing poker online. Know and understand the concept of value with each bet, as this becomes very critical. Being able to understand this concept gives you the ability to spot high and low odds. These odds become opportunities you can use to capitalize.

Highest pay-out machines

When playing slots, the first thing you should ever look into is “which of these machines gives me the highest pay-out, with the least pay-in?”. Knowing your slot machines is like knowing the possible outcome of your money.

In looking for the right machine, what you might want to look into is the Return to Player (RTP) percentage. It is the possible percentage of all the money you wagered that a slot machine gives back. Choose machines that have RTP which is higher than 95% as they are the best strategy you should follow every time you want to play. 

High RTP = High chance of winning.

Volatility of Slots

One factor you should also consider when choosing a slot is their volatility. Slot Volatility is the measurement or the chance a person can win when playing that machine. Having said this, there are two types of volatility in machines.

Low Volatility slots

these slot machines give high odds of winning but offer low winnings.

High Volatility slots

these slot machines have low odds of winning but offer high winnings.

Understanding both volatility would give you the chance of choosing which slot machine suits you best. As they say, you should choose the slot machine like choosing your own food. 

The tips listed above may not give you a 100% guarantee on winning slot machines, but it gives you more understanding and more chances of winning the slot machines. Know that winning is not luck, it is a habit. All winners have one quality, and it is persistence.

Are You Going To Play Poker Games? Keep Emotions In Check!

While playing online poker games, you should pay appropriate attention to numerous aspects. It is not easy to win at poker table, and that’s why you should follow some essential tips and tricks. Most gamblers are trying to make a huge amount of money at poker table. On the other hand, some gamblers want to play poker games to get entertained. Poker is not easy to play, so you should learn its pure basics. Without understanding the rules of poker games, you can’t get started. 

It is crucial for beginners to keep some basic tips into consideration before going to play Pkv Online. First of all, know the game properly and then play it free to understand its various aspects. Playing poker for free is also a good option for doing practice. With the help of this, you can master the poker game and become a pro player. 

Never invest your money in excitement 

If you are winning at poker table continuously, then it doesn’t mean you will always win the game. But some gamblers don’t know about this fact, and they get excited to invest their real money. They play the game by spending more money, which also increases the risk of losing money. It is one of the main reasons why gamblers should keep emotions in check. They shouldn’t get excited while playing the card game at poker table.  

Play smartly 

Gamblers should always play the video poker smartly in order to be a winner. A minor mistake can also lead to huge losses, and that’s why you should always implement effective tips and tricks. Instead of getting too excited, it is important to decide the amount of money that you are going to invest in poker games.

Poker Hacks For Novice Players – Important Tips & Tricks for players!!!

If you are new in the world of poker then winning a lot of money can be challenging task for you because you will have to set the strategy. A person should create a balance between excitement & fun.  Poker has already experience a unprecedented growth in few years. If you are playing carefully then it will able to change a person’s future overnight. Online poker is little bit more popular game than offline version.  

Beginners should scale the skills set and maximize their returns. Becoming a next popular poker star isn’t easy because it requires dedication, strategy and other things. You should visit on and play your favorite poker game. Try to initiate with stakes where you will able to feel comfortable. If you want to hone the skills then one has to learn so many things. Let’s discuss vital tips and tricks that will help you in becoming a proficient poker player.

  • Bankroll

Majority of the folks are already facing issues while managing bankroll in game. If possible then you should invest considerable amount of time in practice with calm mind. If you are playing your favorite game without fear then it can be dangerous for you. If you are investing considerable amount of time in learning the game then it will able to enhance the level of skills. A person should initiate the game with controlled bankroll that will enable a person to pay close attention on the gameplay.

  • Good emotional state

Emotional player will not able to become successful in any forms of game. Winning and losing has become a main part of the game.

Moving Further, it is highly recommended that a person should initiate the game with a fresh mind.


5 Minutes to Playing Blackjack like a Pro!

Have you ever seen people enjoying a game of blackjack at the casino and wished you could join in? Can’t tell the difference between a stand and a hit? If you answered yes to either question then this article might be exactly what you’re looking for. This article will get you up to speed on blackjack so you can begin playing in less than 5 minutes.

One of the main reasons for the enduring popularity of Blackjack at land-based and online casinos is simplicity. The object of the game is to get closest to 21 points without going over and each player only plays against the dealer. Whether or not the other players beat the dealer has no impact on your chances of winning, unlike poker. This makes blackjack an ideal game for groups because everyone can win at the same time. Correctly calculating point values is the only essential skill required to be successful at blackjack. Improving your understanding of the potential decisions open to you in each hand will also come in handy.

Calculating point values is a simple matter of adding together all of the point values of the cards in your hand. Cards with a face value are counted at that point value, i.e. the 5 card counts as 5 points. Picture cards count as ten points and an Ace counts as either 1 or 11 points, whichever benefits the player most.

The dealer begins the game by dealing 2 cards to each player, including himself. Each player has to leave his cards face up, while the dealer only has to keep one of their cards face up. Unless the dealer has 21 in their first 2 cards, any of the other players who have 21 in their cards will immediately win the hand. Every other player who doesn’t have 21 at this point must then decide if they want to stand and accept no more cards, or hit, which means they receive another card from the dealer. If the player’s hand exceeds 21 points after the hit, they automatically lose the hand.

The dealer only plays their hand once all of the other players have made their decision to stand. The dealer must stand if they have 17 or more points and they must draw another card if they have 16 points or less.

Once the dealer has revealed their hand, each player who was a hand value higher than the dealer will win the hand. If the dealer busts by exceeding 21 points, then all players who haven’t busted at this point also win the hand. As for winnings, winning players will get paid twice what they originally bet, i.e. $2 for every $1 placed. Players who get blackjack by reaching 21 points with their first 2 cards will get paid $3 for every $2 they placed. Keep in mind that some casinos have recently started to pay blackjack at $5 to $3.

Now that you have a sound grasp of the basics of Blackjack, feel free to play next time you visit the casino.

It might be tough for beginners to manage high stakes because Blackjack is generally considered the game for experts where the higher your stakes, the better you are in the field so people who have little experience but are highly enthusiastic would do better to research it better on sites like https://www.dewakiu99.com and practice to perfection before setting foot in a casino.

5 Minutes to Playing Blackjack like a Pro!

Have you ever seen people enjoying a game of blackjack at the casino and wished you could join in? Can’t tell the difference between a stand and a hit? If you answered yes to either question then this article might be exactly what you’re looking for. This article will get you up to speed on blackjack so you can begin playing in less than 5 minutes.

One of the main reasons for the enduring popularity of Blackjack at land-based and online casinos is simplicity. The object of the game is to get closest to 21 points without going over and each player only plays against the dealer. Whether or not the other players beat the dealer has no impact on your chances of winning, unlike poker. This makes blackjack an ideal game for groups because everyone can win at the same time. Correctly calculating point values is the only essential skill required to be successful at blackjack. Improving your understanding of the potential decisions open to you in each hand will also come in handy.

Calculating point values is a simple matter of adding together all of the point values of the cards in your hand. Cards with a face value are counted at that point value, i.e. the 5 card counts as 5 points. Picture cards count as ten points and an Ace counts as either 1 or 11 points, whichever benefits the player most.

The dealer begins the game by dealing 2 cards to each player, including himself. Each player has to leave his cards face up, while the dealer only has to keep one of their cards face up. Unless the dealer has 21 in their first 2 cards, any of the other players who have 21 in their cards will immediately win the hand. Every other player who doesn’t have 21 at this point must then decide if they want to stand and accept no more cards, or hit, which means they receive another card from the dealer. If the player’s hand exceeds 21 points after the hit, they automatically lose the hand.

The dealer only plays their hand once all of the other players have made their decision to stand. The dealer must stand if they have 17 or more points and they must draw another card if they have 16 points or less.

Once the dealer has revealed their hand, each player who was a hand value higher than the dealer will win the hand. If the dealer busts by exceeding 21 points, then all players who haven’t busted at this point also win the hand. As for winnings, winning players will get paid twice what they originally bet, i.e. $2 for every $1 placed. Players who get blackjack by reaching 21 points with their first 2 cards will get paid $3 for every $2 they placed. Keep in mind that some casinos have recently started to pay blackjack at $5 to $3.

Now that you have a sound grasp of the basics of Blackjack, feel free to play next time you visit the casino.

It might be tough for beginners to manage high stakes because Blackjack is generally considered the game for experts where the higher your stakes, the better you are in the field so people who have little experience but are highly enthusiastic would do better to research it better on sites like https://www.dewakiu99.com and practice to perfection before setting foot in a casino.

Here Is The Best Way To Get Very Good At Poker!

If you are interested in playing Pkv Games, then you can easily master it by acknowledging some tips and tricks. We all know that there are millions of people all around the world who are cherishing poker games because it is the best source of entertainment. The fan following of poker and other gambling games is at a high peak. There are lots of tricks through which you can become amazed at playing poker games. There are several individuals who are cherishing such games because it is the right path and a great source for earning good cash money.

One can earn money through it just by sitting at their home. You don’t have to visit any casino or club to play poker games. If you have a good internet connection, then within some time, you will become a master by playing casino games. Now, in the lower section, I am going to write some of the best ways to get very good at poker. As a reason, by representing all these things, it will become beneficial for you to play and earn good money through it. 

The best way to get very good at poker as:

  • The very first thing which you need to keep in your mind is to think about the ranges and opportunities. As a reason, through this, you will be able to get more and more opportunities.
  • The next thing which you need to acknowledge is about knowing all the appropriate tricks and techniques for playing such games.
  • If you will know all the rules appropriately, then it becomes easy for you to play as well as win the game. 

All the beneficial information is listed in the above section, so consider these ways to become very good at poker.

Want To Play Poker Games? Always Avoid Gambling!

Plenty of online websites allow gamblers to play poker games without hassles. Millions of people are visiting these websites on a regular basis and playing at poker tables. You can also play these card games by connecting your device with an internet connection. While playing poker, you need to take a lot of things into consideration. Make sure you know all the basic rules to get started. Your one mistake may affect your gambling experience, and that’s why you should take every step wisely. 

If you are playing poker perfectly, then you can consider it as a good source of income. While playing poker games, you should always avoid gambling as it is one of the big problems. Make sure you are not entering the game with a gambling mentality. Always try to make the right decisions in poker in order to get a positive return. 

Problem gambling 

The problem of gambling can affect your winning chances if you are playing poker games. When you are at a poker table, you need to implement the right strategy to be a winner. In this way, you can make a huge amount of money with ease. If we talk about problem gamblers, then there are two types of categories available which are listed below- 

  • Shadow play gamblers

these are the gamblers who want to make more money out of betting. The majority of gamblers come into this category. 

  • Deep play gamblers

The gamblers who have passed the stage of trying to win money are known as deep play gamblers. They are betting primarily for excitement. 


If you are considering Pkv games or other poker games, you should always avoid gambling. Never get addicted to gambling because it may lead to huge losses. Poker is a strategy based game, so you should make an effective plan to make money.

Free Attractions to See in Las Vegas

People think that they will go broke every time that they visit Las Vegas. Actually, that is not true. There is a lot of free attractions and entertainment to see in Las Vegas that will keep you entertained. Here you will find some of the best shows to see plus some advice to save you some money on your next trip to Las Vegas.

One of my favorite attractions in Las Vegas is the aquarium at the Silverton Casino which is located about three miles south of the strip. You will need to take a shuttle or taxi to the casino if you do not rent a car but it is well worth the expense. The Silverton Casino has an outdoors theme and is actually attached to Bass Pro Shops. The Casino is beautiful. Inside the casino is a 100,000+ gallon tropical aquarium to please anyone. You can walk around the whole tank, or sit around it on one of the benches. You might also want to play some poker online games as you connect to the Wi-Fi while waiting. Divers are in the aquarium at certain times of the day to feed the stingrays and answer any questions you may have about any of the fish. This is one place you have to see to believe.

Another one of my favorite sites to see in Las Vegas is the fountains at Bellagio. Located right in the center of the Las Vegas Strip, you cannot miss its beauty. The fountains at Bellagio are running seven days a week at various times throughout the day. The best time to see the fountains are in the evening, as they light up to the music that is played.

Nearby the Bellagio hotel is the Mirage hotel and casino. Here you will find the giant volcano that you can watch erupt in the evening hours. This is truly a site to see. The combination of water and fire put together is exciting. Also, at neighboring casino Treasure Island, you can watch the Sirens of TI, a pirate show performance that is truly magical. While it only runs a few times in the evening, and will close down when there is high winds.

If you want to you can always go downtown and see the Fremont Street Experience. The Fremont Street Experience is a canopy over Fremont Street with a light show in the canopy. This is one site to see, but you must come at night. While you are there you can walk through The Golden Nugget Casino, old but beautiful.

Off the strip you can visit The Rio Casino and see the Masquerade in the Sky, a daily parade you can watch through the casino that is in the air. It is really neat to see, and for a fee, you can actually ride in one of the floats! It runs about 15 dollars and it includes a keepsake picture.

Walking along the strip and in and out of all the casinos and shops will keep you occupied and entertained for days. As you can see, there are plenty of things to see and do in Las Vegas that do not cost a penny. Especially if you are not a gambler, you will definitely find entertainment to keep you busy for a long time. Enjoy your trip to Las Vegas; you will have a great time